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Snapzoom in the news!

“you could miss opportunities to capture great moments, especially when you’re missing out on the great optical zoom available on some more expensive or specialized dedicated camera devices. That’s what Snapzoom hopes to fix with its binocular mount for smartphone cameras, and the best part is that it’s completely universal”
— Techcrunch
“Your photos benefit from the optics in your binoculars and other long distance viewing tools, and lets you use the gear you already have as a telephoto lens.”
— Jeff Gamet - The Mac Observer
“Rather than fitting inexpensive optics to the iPhone, Snapzoom can take advantage of quality binoculars or scopes that you already own.”
— Steve Sande - TUAW
“the smartphone adapter for binoculars, telescopes and microscopes is up for grabs on Kickstarter to let you zoom in on the moon, bacteria or whatever else you can think of.”
— Engadget
“I really didn’t expect much out of the project until I saw some example footage of some video shot through everyday Nikon binoculars.”
— The Phoblographer
“While it’s true that you could just hold the lens of your phone up to one eyepiece of the binoculars, the Snapzoom allows users to set the phone to the optimum position and then keep it there”
— Gizmag
“If you’ve always wanted a pair of HD digital binoculars, you could very well get some without shelling out the big bucks.”
— Cnet
“...attach a slew of optical scopes (i.e. binoculars, telescopes, etc.) to your smartphone in lieu of a telephoto lens.”
— PetaPixel
“Snapzoom offers sample images….that look interesting enough to make us want to put the device through our own thorough testing.”
— DP Review